| 1. | China ' s foreign - exchange reserves are about to hit one trillion dollars 中国的外汇贮备将达一万亿美元。 |
| 2. | Large foreign - exchange reserves make countries less vulnerable to shocks 大量外汇存底使这些国家受到冲击是不会那么脆弱。 |
| 3. | They have restructured their borrowing and often built up vast coffers of foreign - exchange reserves 他们调整了借贷体系,而且通常建立起巨额的外汇储备。 |
| 4. | China wants to boost the return that it earns on its $ 1 trillion - plus stash of foreign - exchange reserves 中国想要提高其超过一万亿美元的外汇储备所带来的回报。 |
| 5. | Developing countries chew up over half of the world ' s energy and hold most of its foreign - exchange reserves 发展中国家一方面咀嚼着世界能源的多数,另一方面把持着外汇储备的大半。 |
| 6. | Foreign - exchange reserves have swollen to nine months ' import cover , compared with only five months ' just before the asian crisis in 1997 外汇储备支持进口时间从97年亚洲金融危机前的五个月增至现在的9个月。 |
| 7. | The accumulation of vast foreign - exchange reserves has fuelled domestic money growth and the inflation rate has tripled in the past year 巨大的外汇储备累积导致国内货币持续增长,过去的一年中通货膨胀率3倍于之前。 |
| 8. | Exports , too , are surging , bolstering china ' s foreign - exchange reserves , which at almost trillion are now the world ' s largest 出口也同样飙升,这又进一步推升了外汇储备,目前中国的外汇储备已近1万亿美元,高居世界首位。 |
| 9. | Thanks to fat foreign - exchange reserves and current - account surpluses , many emerging economies are well placed to withstand an exodus of investors 不同的是,由于有大量外汇储备及经常账户盈余,许多新兴经济能够在投资人争相逃窜时岿然不动。 |
| 10. | The central banks ' mistake has been compounded by the emerging economies ' refusal to allow their exchange rates to rise , piling up foreign - exchange reserves instead 央行的这些失误和新兴经济体拒绝允许货币升值而代之以积聚外汇储备混杂在一起。 |